Exploring the Role of Person-Job Misfit and Psychological Capital in Mediating and Moderating Resistance to Innovation Performance
Main Article Content
Pages: 171 – 185

This study investigates the resistance barriers encountered within the IT management community in Taiwan’s industry, where resistance often stems from a lack of alignment with established systems. Utilizing a job demand-resource theory and a social cognitive approach, this research explores the impact of psychological capital on the expressions of job misfit and resistance to innovation among corporate employees, mediated through psychological distress and behavior. The study involved the distribution of survey questionnaires to 290 IT managers in Taiwan’s private sector, forming the foundation of the investigation into job misfits within the IT sector and managerial resistance to innovation in the Taiwanese industry. Data synthesis was a crucial step in interpreting the results, and future studies should consider a broader range of methodologies beyond questionnaires. The study concludes with several noteworthy recommendations, questions for future research, and theoretical and practical implications.