Q 1.What is Open Access Publishing?
Answer: It means that the published work will be freely available on the internet and access able for readers throughout the world.

Q 2.Why should we publish with JDIIS?
Answer: JDIIS flourishes to maintain genuine research work, theoretical expansion, dissemination of awareness for ultimate social processes, and diverse innovations familiarized from time to time in the subject under coverage. In addition to that, JDIIS is a double-blind peer-reviewed outlet and its publication is executed quarterly. Scientists are appreciated to present investigates on any facet of social sciences and humanities, information systems for which new and unique efforts will be highly treasured.

Q 3. What is meant by Peer-Review?
Answer: To main, the quality initiatives and international research ethics standards at JDIIS, double-blind peer review system is adopted. The peer review guidelines, principals and policies are mentioned in relevant sections of the JDIIS website.

Q 4.What is the procedure to submit an article in JDIIS?
Answer: The articles are submitted online using OJS system. Link is provided on JDIIS website for this purpose.

Q 5. What are the Manuscript Submission Guidelines of the journal?
Answer: JDIIS follows APA style for manuscript preparation and guidelines are provided in the relevant section on the journal website.

Q 6. How to get a hard copy of the journal?
Answer: For the request to obtain a hard copy of a specific issue, volume the email can be sent at contact@jdiis.de