Publication Frequency

JDIIS is peer-reviewed and its publication is accomplished after 06 months (June, December).

Publishing Ethics

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

The mentioned statement explains the ethical behavior of all parties tangled in the act of publishing an article in the Journal of Digitovation and Information System, including the authors, the editors, the peer-reviewers and the publisher. This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.

JDIIS ensures to keep on following the best standards of publication ethics and incorporates all possible measures against publication malpractices.

During the publication process at all stages of publication, the ethical responsibilities are seriously identified and undertaken. In general, the ethics of publication include activities such as repetitively improving the quality and integrity of the journal, determined to meet the needs of authors and readers, inspiring the academic debate. Along with, some specific ethical obligations are allotted to editors, authors, and reviewers, as enumerated below:

Duties of Editors

Impartiality in decision regarding publication

Editor of JDIIS holds an essential position in decision making related to publication; this decision is exclusively based on the innovation and importance, of the submitted research work, to the researchers and the readers. The editor may be directed by the policies of the journal's editorial board and guarded by such legal necessities, copyright infringement and plagiarism matters in publication as per international academic standards. The editor may bestow with other fellow editors or reviewers in making this important and impartial decision.


Editors and editorial staff are guaranteed to keep the information regarding submitted research work confidential. No person other than the corresponding author, reviewer, potential reviewer, editorial advisor and the publisher must be able to access the content of the submitted manuscript. The confidentiality of the work which is under review must be guaranteed.

Statement of conflicts of interest and disclosure

Editors of JDIIS will not be permitted to use any ideas or information obtained by handling these manuscripts for their research work. If the editor has any conflict of interest (relational, competitive or any other relationship/connection with the organization, institution or author connected with submitted work) with any submitted material or research work, then he/she will excuse her/himself from performing the editorial duties and instead ask a co-editor, associate editor or any other member of the editorial board to perform the duties of Editor in this specific case. Furthermore, editors must ensure that all the submitted work mentions the conflict of interest statement.

Process of Peer Review

The editors ensure that all submitted documents being considered for publication should undergo peer-review by at least two of the reviewers who are expert in the relevant field. The manuscript may be rejected at the initial phase by the editor provided that the content of the manuscript is not novel, lacks originality and/or does not fall under the scope of the journal and does not meet any of required research and academic standards. The manuscripts fitting for review are then subject to double-blind peer-review. Based on the review from two experts’ decision regarding acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, acceptance with major revisions, or rejection is made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Statement about dealing with unethical practices

The unethical practices can be identified and brought into consideration by the editor and publisher at any time and by anyone. The unethical practice will be strictly checked and affirmative actions will be taken to resolve the issue. All the allegations and information provided against the malpractice must be treated seriously and a decision is made based on all the provided evidence. However, the authors should be given the opportunity to defend themselves against the allegations.

Duties of Reviewers

Support to the decisions by editorial staff

The decision or feedback provided by the editorial staff and managing editors for novelty and quality enhancement purposes on the manuscript under review may also be supported and reviewers should contribute by providing positive and useful feedback and suggestions to meet the objectives.


The editorial team selects reviewers based on an area of expertise and relevance to submitted manuscripts. It is the moral responsibility of the reviewer to inform the editorial team about excusing to review a certain article or not able to submit the review timely. In such cases, reviewers should acknowledge the editorial staff instantly to save time.

Responsibility to maintain Confidentiality Morals

It is an ethical and moral responsibility of all reviewers to main strict confidentiality of all content, information, data and ideas given in the manuscript and should not be disclosed with any third party except editors or editorial team.

Values of fairness

It is the responsibility of the reviewers to maintain impartiality and a bias-free attitude when reviewing manuscripts. The comments and suggestions must be targeted to improve the impact and quality of the research idea and in any scenario, it should not be allowed to have personal level criticism of any kind.

Credit of sources must be cited

The reviewers are responsible to identify if some of the relevant studies are not cited in the manuscripts. Also, reviewers are expected to highlight if some information is taken from some source and proper citation credit of that source is not given in the manuscript under review. Reviewers should ensure that all information obtained from published sources should be cited properly in the article.

Revelation and conflicts of interest

If in any given case or scenario there exists a conflict of interest between reviewers and the authors, organizations affiliated or identified with manuscripts. The reviewers should immediately inform the editor of this conflict of interest and withdraw from reviewing this manuscript due to the conflict of interest clause. In that case, editors will assign the manuscript to alternate reviewers.

Obligations of Authors

Reportage standards

It is a moral obligation of authors to ensure that all activities performed should be original and should be reported inaccurate manner. Complete processes to be presented, for achieved objectives, conclusions and obtained results. It should be ensured that all qualitative and quantitative information must be concrete and comprehensive to add and extend knowledge in the given field. Misinterpretation, fraud or unauthentic statements are not acceptable and considered unethical conduct.

Authorship of the manuscript

Authors should keep in mind that authorship of a manuscript should be given to only those individuals who have significantly contributed in design, data collection, idea generation, execution and presentation as well as interpretation of the submitted research article. All those who have not a significant contribution to become co-authors but they have supported in any way of conducting research should be acknowledged separately in the acknowledgement section. It is the responsibility of the corresponding person to ensure that all co-authors are listed in order and with correct names and affiliations. Also, it should be ensured that the final submitted file to be viewed and approved by all study contributing authors.

Preservation and access of data used in research

In some cases, to ensure the credibility and transparency of procedures the authors may be requested to furnish the data files and raw information which was processed to obtain final study results. In some cases, they may also be requested to make the information or data publically accessible for other scholars and professionals in the field. It will be ensured that in such cases the copyright ownership of this data will be reserved for authors and no one can use it without their consent.

Novelty and plagiarism

As per the policy of the journal it only publishes novel and plagiarism free content so it is the responsibility of the authors to make sure that submitted content is original and all reproduced content, data or information is scientifically acknowledged and properly cited in the submitted document. All such kind of plagiarized information will not be published and will be considered unethical conduct by the authors.

Multiple, duplicate, redundant or concurrent submission/publication

It is a prime responsibility of the authors to ensure that submitted work is not in process of review or submitted for review in any other journal at the same time when submitted here. This obligation also applies to replication of existing work as it should not be published twice in multiple outlets. In some specific case publication of content which is secondary in nature such as translations or book review or similar category, content can be allowed with proper citation as per research and ethical norms.

Conflict of interest statement

Authors are obliged to state and mention in case of conflict of interest exists or not.


Obligations and Guidelines of Reviewers:

The obligation of the Reviewer involved in Peer Review

It is a moral and ethical responsibility of the peer reviewer to thoroughly read and examine the submitted manuscript as per standards of the field and give constructive feedback and suggestions for quality enhancement and impact objectives. Peer reviewers should honestly contribute to evaluate strengths and weak areas of submitted work and also check for relevance and authenticity of the submitted manuscript.

Following are the measures and instructions to be carefully observed before reviewing a manuscript:

  • Check for appropriateness and match with Area of Expertise.

It is the responsibility of the reviewer to check the relevance and match of an area of expertise with submitted manuscripts. In case of discrepancy, the reviewer should immediately inform the editor to look for another alternative expert in the relevant field.


  • Meeting the review timeline by journal

If a reviewer is agreeing to review the submitted manuscript should also look for availability of time to meet journal deadlines to review the article. In case the reviewer feels that time pressures will not allow him/her to meet deadlines should refuse timely and inform editorial staff to find another expert reviewer for the submitted manuscript.


  • Chances of conflict of interest with the submitted manuscript

It is clearly stated that be honest and open to express all kinds of conflicts of interest in front of editors before agreeing to review the manuscript. In case of any query or guidance needed about a potential conflict of interest always feel free to enquire and discuss with the editorial team in advance.

Review Process

following items and sections to be assessed for proper peer review:

  • Title:is catchy, clear and complete to explain the core idea?
  • Abstract: It is written as per norms in the field and prescribed format of the journal also it contains the required information about an article?
  • Introduction:Assess that introduction is explaining clearly the issue being addressed or gap being bridged in the article. It should have discussed clearly the choice and relevance of the study context. It should also provide theories in which the idea is grounded as well as a way forward for literature review, hypotheses, method and discussion and findings sections.

Content of the Manuscript

To check the novelty and appropriateness for the outlet it needs to be checked for similarity exceeding 20% in the field by using various quick techniques for literature search.

  • To check if similar research has been attempted in literature then how much marginal contribution this research has to further extend the field.
  • To check the uniqueness of idea, interest and depth of the study
  • To check if research made an advance to the existing literature
  • To check all basic quality standards of the journal and research in the field are met
  • To check relevance with the aim and scope of the journal

Methodology of the Manuscript:

Complete and impeccable:

  • The data collection procedure is explained clearly?
  • The citations and theoretical foundation used in this research are appropriate?
  • The design of the study is suitable to answer the research questions posed in this research?
  • The research imitation is based on decent information?
  • The following information is described properly in the article?
  •  Novelty and appropriateness in method and the author has explained it well?
  • Sampling is appropriately explained and justified?
  • The statistical tools and information presented is adequately justified?
  • The measure, items, reported reliabilities are explained and justified properly along with language and medium of the measures used in the study?


In this section of the study, the authors are expected to explain the research findings completely and logically as per the overall theoretical framework of the study. The appropriateness of carried analysis and applied statistical tools need to be examined and proper values to be reported in the required format of text, tables and figures.

Discussion and Conclusion:

  • The arguments posited in the research are supported by study results?
  • Contradictions and consistent findings are compared and discussed?
  • Consistency between results and theories has been discussed?
  • The conclusion provides an overview of the study aims findings and contributions?

    Tables and Pictures:
    The data presented appropriately in tables and figures to be identified and understood by the readers with minimal cognitive efforts?

    Writing Styles
  • A systematic and logical review of emerging issues being focused in the study are presented
  • Reviews under evaluations are mainly focused on single targeted agenda.
  • Language of the review and whole document is at par with the norms and style in the field.
  • Easy and interesting to read and understand

    • First Person (Interview)
    • Book Reviews
    • Insight Technology (Product Review)

    Final Review
    • It should be ensured that all review comments provided by reviewers are strictly confidential.
    • In case there is a need to discuss few points of an article with another expert colleague it needs to be asked by the editor and only with permission by an editor is allowed.
    • It should be strictly followed not to contact the author directly in any case.
    • Ethical issues:
      i. Plagiarism: In case you feel the content is plagiarized please acknowledge the editor
  1. Fraud: In case of any fraudulent information or activity noticed should be timely informed to the editor.

Reviewers are requested to cooperate by completing the review in the given time by the editorial office. The final decision on your suggestions, recommendations for consideration will be made by the editors. The separate comments are requested to be mentioned for authors and editors. In case of any problem, confusion or misunderstanding arising during the review process the reviewers are encouraged to immediately contact the editorial office for assistance.

Cross Mark Policy

The application and display of the CrossMark symbol show the strong commitment by the Journal of Digitovation and Information Systems (JDIIS) to preserve the content published and acknowledge the readers to any change happening in the content.

What is Crossmark?

CrossMark, a multi-publisher edge by the CrossRef, explains an authentic way for readers to identify the commanding version of the document. JDIIS acknowledges the standing of the truthfulness and comprehensiveness of the scholarly evidence to investigators and librarians. It gives utmost significance to attain trust in the authenticity of the electronic versions of achieves. Ticking on the CrossMark sign will update the bibliophile of the recent standing of a text and may also stipulate supplementary publication proof information about the manuscript.


JDIIS receives positively and seriously for all accusations against the prospective misconduct, the editorial office takes appropriate action in given time period to address all such allegations on priority. The Editors are answerable for the ethical decisions on prospective misconduct by acknowledging the relevant authorities, scholars or involved organizations. 

Ethical Guidelines on Research Misconduct

Following ethical instructions should be consulted for carrying out all research-related activities such as:

  • All the research attempts involving human or wildlife subjects should firmly hold the ethical guidelines of their institutions and ethics committee approval is needed to conduct such research.
  • It is the prime responsibility of the investigators to inform the subject participants about the complete scope of the research study.
  • All the academic and research institutions as well as those from where the respondents belong should be informed in advance about the use of data and should be ensured confidentially and misuse of data.
  • If at any stage of article processing it is observed that ethical guidelines and principles are compromised, then the manuscript should be rejected/ retracted.
  • In case of any retraction case, all stakeholders such as funding agencies should be informed timely.


Data Misrepresentation and Creation

Authors are obliged to report accurate conclusions and results based on actual data. Data meddling, fabrication, misapprehension, or delusion of the results lies under an abuse of ethical parameters, and thus, if data falsification or fabrication is observed, then the document will be disallowed or retracted (in case of the published article).

In the peer-review process of the manuscript if it is doubt about malpractices or data fabrication in results then immediately editors should be informed about it. The Editors of JDIIS then may request the data for verification. Failure to provide the data would lead to the rejection of the manuscript. Along with the authors’ establishments and other apprehensive funding, organizations would be acquainted.


As per the similarity policy of JDIIS, all submitted manuscripts which have similarity levels more than internationally accepted standards will not be considered for the review process to ensure the originality of the research work. In such cases, the manuscript will be immediately rejected and returned to the authors.

In case if editors of the journal notice some malpractice, or misconduct the following recommended actions may be taken as per the situation:

  • The corrected version may be accepted for publication.
  • A manuscript can be rejected.
  • If the work is already published with such misconduct may be rejected/retracted and the author will be informed of this action.
  • Authors affiliation institution will be notified for all such actions to recommend penalties for ethical misconduct.

Rectifications and Retractions

In case of any amendment, rectification, correction in the published manuscript the corrected article will be published online while the original article will also remain online. In some cases, editors may decide to remove the old article.
If the corrections are made and it has changed the interpretation and deduction of the original article. In such cases, the amended article will be published in a way that it will be linked bi-directionally with the original manuscript.
In certain situations, when changes had significantly confronted the clarification and conclusion of the study. The article retraction will be performed and published articles will be watermarked as a retracted article. Also, the title of the manuscript will be altered as a prefix of “retracted article”.
Subtraction of a published article
JDIIS stocks the right to eliminate any published paper from its online platforms. This subtraction can be
approved out in case of government commands, abuse of intellectual property rights, lawful rights or secrecy rights. For all such removals the concerned authors, their affiliated institutions and funding agencies will be acknowledged for the reasons behind this removal.

Petitions and Grievances

In case of rejection of the paper, the authors may send an appeal against the decision by writing a formal letter to explain arguments why this manuscript should not be rejected. Such appeals should be submitted using an official email address (editorialoffice@JDIIS.De). The decision to process the appeal or rejection of appeal will be based on the presented logical arguments and a decision will be made by the editor in chief or senior editor.

Following conditions may make the appeal worth processing ;
• If a significant error has been highlighted in the review procedure by arguments of the author
• If vital supplementary information, evidence, data is furnished by authors
• If authors can provide proof of biasness and impartial reaction by any individuals involved in the process

In case if Editor in chief accepts the arguments presented in the appeal then the article will be processed again for peer-review process and authors will be acknowledged for the course of action in this regard.
All complaints related to ethical matters, the procedure of publishing, and editorial policies may be directed to the editorial board via email (editorialoffice@JDIIS.De). The editor in chief or senior editor is liable to handle and assess all such complaints. If there are some complaints related to the procedure of peer review, a timeline of the review process, integrity and quality of the review, compromising publishing ethics, the editor in chief or senior editor is the concerned person responsible to address, respond and make a decision in all such cases and to inform the decision to all stakeholders.

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