Exploring Ethical Leadership, LMX, and Their Impact on Perceived Organisational Support and OCB in the Jordanian Telecom Sector
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Pages: 15 – 31

This study investigates the interrelationships among ethical leadership, perceived organizational support (POS), and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in the context of the Jordanian telecom sector, considering the moderating role of leader-member exchange (LMX). Employing a quantitative research design with a cross-sectional approach, data were collected through a questionnaire survey from 280 employees working in Jordanian telecom industries, and SmartPLs was used for data analysis. The results reveal substantial and meaningful associations between ethical leadership, POS, and OCB. Ethical leadership significantly and positively influences both POS and OCB, signifying that leaders who exemplify ethical conduct, fairness, and integrity contribute to employees' perceptions of organizational support and support their active engagement in citizenship behaviors. Moreover, the findings highlight a positive correlation between POS and OCB, indicating that when employees perceive robust organizational support, they are more inclined to extend their contributions beyond their job descriptions. LMX is shown to play a moderating role in the relationship between ethical leadership and OCB, as well as in the relationship between POS and OCB. These findings underscore the pivotal role that high-quality leader-member relationships play in amplifying the positive impacts of ethical leadership and POS on OCB. This research enriches understanding of ethical leadership, POS, and OCB within the Jordanian telecom sector. The implications of these findings are significant, providing valuable insights for organizations in this industry. These insights include developing and promoting ethical leadership practices, creating a supportive work environment, and strengthening leader-member relationships. The practical implications extend to leadership development programs, performance management systems, and reward structures that aim to encourage and reinforce OCB among employees.