Determinants of Digital Entrepreneurship Success: Role of Formal and Informal Learning Practices Among Malaysian IT Entrepreneurs
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Pages: 186 – 197

This research investigates the fundamental underpinnings of successful digital entrepreneurship in Malaysia, focusing on the roles of formal and informal learning practices. Grounded in self-determination and planned behavior theories, our study endeavors to unravel the interplay between entrepreneur determination, knowledge acquisition, and strategic planning in online businesses. To gather insights into this multifaceted landscape, an online survey engaged 289 IT business owners in Malaysia. Our analyses unveiled several noteworthy findings. Specifically, the study discerned a robust and affirmative correlation between digital literacy and informal learning. This connection emphasizes the significance of digital competencies in shaping an entrepreneur's journey toward success. The research affirmed that attaining successful digital entrepreneurship is intrinsically tied to the capacity for online learning, adept use of digital technologies, and astute financial management. It offers a foundation for future policy recommendations, calls for further research, and illuminates theoretical and practical implications, thus contributing to advancing the entrepreneurial landscape in the digital age.