

Role of Information System Strategies, Business Intelligence and Analytics used to Enhance Firm Performance: Mediating role of Innovation Ambidexterity

Main Article Content

Tahir Ahmad , Altaf Akbar

Pages: 69 – 80

Published: Dec 23, 2021


The objective of this research is to examine the aspects of Information System (IS) strategies, Business Intelligence, and Analytics (BI&A) used to enhance firm performance. The main purpose of this study is to assess the influence of IS strategy, BI&A impact on firm performance as well as to demonstrate the association of innovation ambidexterity between BI&A and firm performance. Statistically analyzed results were based on data obtained from a survey questionnaire filled out by 322 Indonesian, China, Japan, and Malaysian Small and Medium Enterprises employees. The findings revealed that IS strategies, business intelligence, and analytics use have a significant influence on firm performance. The findings also revealed that innovative adaptability is a mediating factor in the favourable relationship between BI&A use and business success. All of the hypotheses were supported and the partial least squares method was used to test them.

Keywords: Business intelligence IS Strategies Firm Performance Innovation ambidexterity