

Combined Effects of Self Tuning Model and Innovation Capability on Digital Innovation: A study of German Pharmaceutical Firm

Main Article Content

Georgia Moschogianni

Pages: 15-27

Published: Jun 16, 2021


Digital innovation is a buzzword for organizations in the current era to gain a competitive advantage. Grounded in the theory of entrepreneurship, this study investigates the interactive effects of innovation capability and the Self Tuning Model on digital innovation. The data was collected from 410 managerial level employees of German pharmaceutical companies using an online email survey. The results revealed that innovation capability moderated the relationship between the Self Tuning model elements and digital innovation. The study attempted to answer several unanswered questions in the digital innovation field by suggesting policy and future research directions for scholars and practitioners.

Keywords: Innovation Capability Digital Innovation Pharmaceutical Firms Organizational Agility Organizational Adaptability Organizational Ambidexterity