

Consequences of Organization Job Misfit: The Moderating Role of Financial Compensation Among Taiwanese Healthcare Workers

Main Article Content

Yen-Ku Kuo

Pages: 218 – 232

Published: Dec 10, 2023


This article examines the relationship between financial compensation, person-job misfits, and stress among Taiwanese healthcare workers. Employing Richard Lazarus's appraisal model, this study investigates the detrimental impact of job stress on workers' productivity and creativity arising from a misalignment between their skills and their employer's demands. Drawing on responses from 415 Taiwanese medical professionals, the research encompasses aspects such as performance, creative output, organizational job misfits, and professionals in Taiwan's healthcare sector. The researcher employed data synthesis and integration techniques to make sense of the findings. High levels of innovation and creativity are imperative in service-oriented jobs, as they significantly enhance service quality. The contemporary healthcare sector, characterized by intense competitiveness, imposes ever-increasing expectations on employee performance. The study not only provides valuable insights into these relationships but also raises important questions and implications, both theoretical and practical. It highlights the critical role of financial compensation in moderating the effects of job stress and person-job misfits in the healthcare industry, shedding light on how these factors impact performance and creativity. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay among these variables in the context of Taiwanese healthcare workers.

Keywords: Organizational Job Misfit Job Stress Financial Compensation Creative Performance